IEH Code of Ethics
Certified Integrative Energy Healing Practitioners shall:
- Inform the client of the type and scope of treatment, what to expect and the fees, prior to providing service.
- Promote the client's overall health and wellness. Support the client in their personal and unique goals for their optimal health.
- Recognize the dignity of the client and avoid discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, social class, age, disability, religion, or political beliefs.
- Represent qualifications honestly, including educational achievements and professional affiliations, and provide only those services that they are qualified to provide safely and competently.
- Represent honestly the benefits and limitations of offered services.
- Maintain professional conduct in language and action. Not provide services while the ability to practice is impaired.
- Provide a clean and safe environment appropriate to the type of service and consistent with local public health requirements and industry standards.
- Take appropriate measures to ensure the safety, comfort and privacy of the client.
- Obtain the client's permission for physical touch at the beginning of each treatment. Maintain appropriate boundaries with the client being sensitive to the client's state of physical and emotional health. Ensure that touch is always used in an appropriate and respectful manner. Client shall remain clothed during the session.
- Ensure the client knows that s/he is in charge by encouraging the client to be an active part of the treatment and by welcoming feedback and input from the client.
- Respect the client's autonomy, and right to refuse, modify, or terminate treatment regardless of any prior consent.
- Make an effort to determine if the individual seeking services has the capacity to comprehend the nature of the service and provide informed consent, and obtain written permission from a parent or guardian if required by provincial law.
- Respect the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure is required by law, court order, or is absolutely necessary for the protection of the public, and keep client records in a safe place. Provide client access to their records upon request.
- Not falsify any part of a client's record, sign or issue a certificate, report or similar document that contains false information.
- Recommend a client seek an appropriate qualified professional when the practitioner recognizes a condition that requires further assessment, or is beyond the practitioner's scope of practice or ability.
- Have the right to refuse or limit treatment or services to any person if there is just and reasonable cause.
- Relate to colleagues with integrity, respect, courtesy, fairness, and good faith.